Structural Studies of Piperidino-Alanes with Halide, Amide and Hydride as further Ligands at Aluminum

Nine different derivatives of piperidino alanes of the general formula (CH2)5N-AlXY [X=Y=Cl (1), Br (2), I (3); X=(CH2)5N, Y=Cl (4), Br (5), I (6); X=H, Y=Cl (7), Br (8), I (9)] have been synthesized and compared with respect to their structures. All molecules form dimers with an Al2N2 central cycle and aluminum and nitrogen atoms in distorted tetrahedral environments as determined from X-ray diffraction. The three dihalide derivatives 1, 2 and 3 have C2h (2/m) symmetries in solution of which they maintain the Centro symmetry in the crystal lattice. The bis(piperidino) derivatives 4, 5 and 6 have either C1 (1) symmetry with the bridging piperidino cycles oriented in the same direction (4, 5) or Ci (ī) point symmetry as found for 6 (in solution at least one other isomer is present). Whereas the chlorine derivative 7 has crystallographic Ci (ī) symmetry, the bromine 8 has almost C2 and the iodine 9 crystallographic C2 (2) point symmetry. In solution all derivatives 7, 8, 9 show equilibria between cis (C2) and trans (Ci) isomeric forms (27Al NMR). The longest Al−N bond lengths within the rings are found for 5 (1.969(4) Å) and the shortest for 8 (1.940(4) Å). The ratio of Al⋅⋅⋅Al to N⋅⋅⋅N non-bonding distances in the almost square rings vary with the bulkiness of the terminal ligands at aluminum.