Building, Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien
23.07.2024 | Konferenzen
18.09.2024 Aula der Universität des Saarlandes

Engineered Living Materials Conference 2024

INM hosts the 4th International Conference on Engineered Living Materials (ELMs) from September 18 to 20. Join the ELM community here! Natural living materials grow following information stored in their genetic code. They also undergo continuous and autonomous re-modeling in response to external factors and adapt their performance to new solicitations. Such properties are desirable […]

21.05.2024 | Seminar
05.06.2024 14:00 INM, Campus D2 5, Leibniz-Saal

Engineering lipid membranes: From biophysicalproperties to biotechnological applications

Dr. Kevin Jahnke Harvard University, School of Engineering

Abstract The biophysical properties of lipid vesicles are important for their stability and integrity, key parameters that control the performance when these vesicles are used for drug delivery. The lipid vesicle properties are determined by the composition and arrangement of lipids used to form the vesicle. However, the symmetric structure of the lipid bilayer limits […]

21.05.2024 | Kolloquien
11.06.2024 11:00 INM, Campus D2 5, Leibniz-Saal

Dynamic Materials and Systems Inspired by Cephalopods

Prof. Alon A. Gorodetsky, University of California

Event postponed: New date will be announced soon Abstract Cephalopods (e.g., squids, octopuses, and cuttlefish) have captured the imagination of both the general public and scientists alike due to their sophisticated neurophysiologies, visually stunning camouflage displays, and complex behavioral patterns. Given such characteristics, it is not surprising that these marine invertebrates have emerged as exciting […]

19.01.2024 | Kolloquien
20.02.2024 11:00 INM, Campus D2 5, Leibniz-Saal

At the nexus of genes, aging and environment: Understanding transcriptomic and epigenomic regulation in health and disease

Prof. Dr. Julia Schulze-Hentrich, Saarland University

Prof. Dr. Julia Schulze-Hentrich Saarland University

05.01.2024 |
16.01.2024 15:30 - 18:30 "Aula" of Saarland Unversity

Mini-Workshop Engineered Living Materials

Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Bitte registrieren Sie sich bis spätestens 12. Januar 2024, 16:00 Uhr! Programm und Registrierungsformular finden Sie hier: Mini-Workshop ELM

27.11.2023 | Kolloquien
05.12.2023 11:00 - 12:00 INM, Campus D2 2,
Alte Bibliothek, 1st floor

Application Opportunities from Anti-Counterfeiting to Disease Testing Enabled by the Unique Optics of Cholesteric Spherical Reflectors

Prof. Dr. Jan P. F. Lagerwall, University of Luxembourg

Prof. Dr. Jan P. F. Lagerwall University of Luxembourg

10.11.2023 |
10.11.2023 14:00 Leibniz Saal and Teams

LSC talk: Cephalopod-Inspired Bioelectronic Control Over Cellular Communication

Dr. Aleeza Farrukh

(UC Irvine)

22.09.2023 | Kolloquien
26.09.2023 11:00 INM, Campus D2 5, Leibniz-Saal

Understanding Functionalities of Carbon Nitrides using TEM

Dr. habil. Nadezda V. Tarakina, Max Planck-Institut für Kolloid und Grenzflächenforschung

Dr. habil. Nadezda V. Tarakina Group Leader Electron Microscopy Max Planck-Institut für Kolloid und Grenzflächenforschung, Potsdam Gastgeberin: Prof. Dr. Aránzazu del Campo

10.07.2023 | Kolloquien
18.07.2023 11:00 INM, Campus D2 5, Leibniz-Saal

INM-Kolloquium Designing Filamentous Meta Materials and Active Smart Solids

Dr. Reza Shaebani, Saarland University

Dr. Reza Shaebani Department of Theoretical Physics and Center for Biophysics Saarland University

01.07.2023 | Konferenzen
08.11.2023 "Aula" of the Saarland University, Saarbrücken

Conference on the Safety of Advanced Materials

Advanced materials are key to the creation of innovative products and technologies ranging from catalysis, green hydrogen generation, energy storage to biomedical applications. Advanced materials combine nanoscopic and/or microscopic building blocks, e.g. doped and core-shell nanoparticles and high-performance fibres, into hierarchical hybrid materials. This combination of micro- and nanosized building blocks as well as the […]

20.06.2023 | Kolloquien
30.06.2023 11:00 - 12:30 Leibniz-Saal, D2 5

INM-Kolloquium: „Wearable Devices“

Prof. Dr. Jang-Ung Park and Prof. Dr. Haider Butt

Prof. Dr. Jang-Ung Park Department of Materials Science and Engineering Yonsei University, Republik Korea and Prof. Dr. Haider Butt Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, VAE

05.05.2023 |
13.05.2023 10:00 - 15:00 INM, Campus D2 2

Tag der offenen Tür

DAS INM – INTERDISZIPLINÄRE FORSCHUNG FÜR BESONDERE MATERIALEIGENSCHAFTEN 10:00 – 15:00 Uhr, Gebäude D2 2, Foyer Haupteingang MITMACHSTATIONEN / HANDS-ON EXPERIMENTS Energie-Materialien • Was hat Meerwasser mit Elektrofahrzeugen zu tun? • Was hat die alte Blaufabrik in Sulzbach mit moderner Batterie-Technologie zu tun? Nano Zell Interaktionen • In vitro Lungenzellmodelle für die Untersuchung von Materialsicherheit […]
