Ordering kinetics in the active Ising model

We undertake a numerical study of the ordering kinetics in the two-dimensional (2d) active Ising model (AIM), a discrete flocking model with a non-conserved scalar order parameter. We find that for a quench into the liquid-gas coexistence region and in the ordered liquid region, the characteristic length scale of both the density and magnetization domains follows the Lifshitz-Cahn-Allen (LCA) growth law: R(t)∼t1/2, consistent with the growth law of passive systems with scalar order parameter and non-conserved dynamics. The system morphology is analyzed with the two-point correlation function and its Fourier transform, the structure factor, which conforms to the well-known Porod's law, a manifestation of the coarsening of compact domains with smooth boundaries. We also find the domain growth exponent unaffected by different noise strengths and self-propulsion velocities of the active particles. However, transverse diffusion is found to play the most significant role in the growth kinetics of the AIM. We extract the same growth exponent by solving the hydrodynamic equations of the AIM.