Prof. Dr. Aránzazu del Campo

Prof. Dr. Aránzazu del Campo

CEO, Scientific Director
Phone: +49 (0)681-9300-510

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Glycerylphytate as ionic crosslinker for 3D printing of multi-layered scaffolds with improved shape fidelity and biological features

Mora-Boza, Ana | Włodarczyk-Biegun, Małgorzata K. | del Campo, Aránzazu | Vazquez-Lasa, Blanca | San Roman, Julio

Biomaterials Science , 2019, 8 506-516.

OPEN ACCESS Discover more
Membrane Tension Orchestrates Rear Retraction in Matrix-Directed Cell Migration

Hetmanski, Joseph H. R. | de Belly, Henry | Busnelli, Ignacio | Waring, Thomas | Nair, Roshna V. | Sokleva, Vanesa | Dobre, Oana | Cameron, Angus | Gauthier, Nils | Lamaze, Christophe | Del Campo, Aránzazu | Starborg, Tobias | Zech, Tobias | Goetz, Jacky G. | Paluch, Ewa K. | Schwartz, Jean-Marc | Caswell, Patrick T.

Developmental Cell , 2019, 51 (4), 460-475.

OPEN ACCESS Discover more
Nanoscale Characteristics and Antimicrobial Properties of (SI-ATRP)-Seeded Polymer Brush Surfaces

Oh, Yoo Jin | Khan, Essak S. | del Campo, Aránzazu | Hinterdorfer, Peter | Li, Bin

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2019, 11 (32), 29312-29319.

4D hydrogel for dynamic cell culture with orthogonal, wavelength-dependent mechanical and biochemical cues

Zheng, Yijun | Liong Han, Mitchell Kim | Jiang, Qiyang | Li, Bin | Feng, Jun | del Campo, Aránzazu

Materials Horizons , 2019, 7 111-120.

OPEN ACCESS Discover more
Goosebumps-Inspired Microgel Patterns with Switchable Adhesion and Friction

Li, Bin | Kappl, Michael | Han, Lu | Cui, Jiaxi | Zhou, Feng | del Campo, Aránzazu

Small , 2019, 15 (35), 1902376.

The mechanics of single cross-links which mediate cell attachment at a hydrogel surface

Çolak, Arzu | Li, Bin | Blass, Johanna | Koynov, Kaloian | del Campo, Aranzazu | Bennewitz, Roland

Nanoscale , 2019, 11 (24), 11596–11604.

4D Biomaterials for Light-Guided Angiogenesis

Farrukh, Aleeza | Paez, Julieta I. | del Campo, Aránzazu

Advanced Functional Materials , 2019, 29 1807734/1-11.

Optoregulated Drug Release from an Engineered Living Material: Self-Replenishing Drug Depots for Long-Term, Light-Regulated Delivery

Sankaran, Shrikrishnan | Becker, Judith | Wittmann, Christoph | del Campo, Aránzazu

Small , 2019, 15 1804717/1-6.

Optoregulated Protein Release from an Engineered Living Material
Optoregulated Biointerfaces to Trigger Cellular Responses

Zheng, Yijun | Farrukh, Aleeza | del Campo, Aránzazu

Langmuir , 2018, 34 (48), 14459-14471.

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