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27.03.2024 | News

Material Minds Podcast

INM proudly presents Material Minds, the INM podcast that delves into the world of innovative materials. Material Minds: Under this motto, scientists from INM-Leibniz Institute for New Materials share their stories about their research. They tell us what excites them, their visions, reveal personal details from their day-to-day work, and show us the fascinating world of materials […]

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22.03.2024 | News

Stefanie Arnold meets Nobel Laureates

We are delighted that INM scientist Stefanie Arnold will have the wonderful opportunity to exchange ideas with Nobel Laureates in physics, as well as with other promising young scientists at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2024. Stefanie is a postdoc in the Research Department of Energy Materials led by Volker Presser and works on high-performance […]

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20.03.2024 | News

INM researchers recognized as RSC outstanding reviewers

Prof. Tobias Kraus, head of INM’s Research Department Structure Formation, and Dr. Gracita Raquel Tomboc, PostDoc in the Research Department Energy Materials, have been recognized as outstanding reviewers of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s 2023. Congratulations!

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08.03.2024 | News

Humboldt Fellow Visits INM

Thanks to a Humboldt Research Fellowship, Seonki Hong, a Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology in Daegu, Republic of Korea, is enhancing the Dynamic Biomaterials Department at the INM. The chemist is researching new materials that adhere in water, drawing inspiration from the adhesive properties of mussels in seawater, which are based on […]

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07.12.2023 | News

Latest publications October 2023

The current publication list of INM is released online: INM Publikationen October 2023 INM Bibliography INMdok : Open Access INM Repository Contact: NTNM Library

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01.12.2023 | News

Michael Marx new Business Director

On December 1, 2023, Michael Marx will take over as Business Director of INM. The Scientific Directors, Professor Aránzazu del Campo and Professor Wilfried Weber, as well as the INM staff, wish him all the best and much success in his new position.

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21.11.2023 | News

Prof. Hartmut Löwen elected chairman of INM’s SAB

In its meeting on November 17, 2023, the Scientific Advisory Board of INM elected Prof. Dr. Hartmut Löwen from the Institute of Theoretical Physics II – Soft Matter, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, as its chairman. The Scientific Advisory Board advises the institute on all scientific and technical matters.

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21.11.2023 | News

Volker Presser “highly cited scientist 2023”

For the third time in a row and the fourth time overall, Volker Presser, Head of the INM Research Department Energy Materials, is recognized as a ‘highly cited scientist’ by Clarivate in 2023. Congratulations on this fantastic achievement

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10.11.2023 | News

INM researcher constructs artificial cells to decode camouflage strategies of cancer cells

The immune system not only protects our body from pathogens such as bacteria and viruses but also defends it against the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells. Unfortunately, some cancer cells can outsmart the immune system, altering themselves in a way that prevents detection as a threat. In a six-year research project, Oskar Staufer, a junior researcher group leader at the INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken, aims to decipher the camouflage strategies of cancer cells using newly developed materials. The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted him €2.4 million from the Emmy Noether programme to realize his project.

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