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Jahresbericht 2014 - Annual Report 2014

BIOMINERALISATION / BIOMINERALIZATION 22 MISSION The Program Division Biomineralization focuses on fundamental molecular phenomena associated with the understanding of complex materials formed by living organisms. Whereas, in classical materials science, the path from the recipe for a new composite material is first developed and then processed, natural materials formed by biological entities carry the recipe for their formation in- herently within their evolutionary history. They even use biogenic additives to guide and fine-tune mineralization. Our aim is to mimic these additives in order to transfer them effectively into materials science. In 2014, the first proof-of-concept was achieved that a genetically engineered additive specifically interferes with inorganic self-organi- zation processes. The biotechnologically produced additive alters the lattice of a synthetic crystal in a way similar to natural biomineralization. Based on such fundamental insights, we will be able to generate a wide variety of such functional additives for fine-tuning new materials and for es- tablishing ecologically compatible synthesis routes. CURRENT RESEARCH Bioinspired materials The last decade has brought many new insights into the molecular features of biomolecules asso- ciated with natural solid-state materials, though their functionality in interfacial interactions still remains unknown in many cases. Especially the dynamic interaction of biomolecules with inorgan- ic crystals is difficult to quantify because there are often too many parameters interfering when crys- tals are grown in the presence of additives. Micro- fluidic surface acoustic wave biosensors are used to ZIELSETZUNG Der Programmbereich Biomineralisation stellt sich der Herausforderung, die Prinzipien komplex aufgebauter Materialien lebender Organismen auf technologisch herstell- bare Multifunktions-Materialien zu übertragen. Im Laufe der Evolution wurden molekulare Grundlagen gelegt, um beispielsweise mechanische Stabilität mit Beständigkeit gegenüber Chemikalien und Witterungseinflüssen zu kom- binieren. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen über diese Ma- terialien lassen sich nun auch neue Wege im Hinblick auf die Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen verfolgen. Im Jahr 2014 gelang es uns erstmals, einen anorganischen Selbstorga- nisationsprozess gezielt auf biotechnologischem Wege zu beeinflussen, ähnlich wie Organismen organisch-anor- ganische Mineralkomposite zu erzeugen. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt unserer Forschung bildet die kostengünstige Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen in ökologischen Stoff- kreisläufen, um umwelt- und sozialverträgliche Wertschöp- fungsketten zu generieren. PD Dr. Ingrid M. Weiss received her doctorate in biophysics at the TU Mu- nich. After a postdoctoral stay at The Weizmann In- stitute of Science, Israel, she performed her Habilitation at the University of Regens- burg. She is Privatdozent of biochemistry at the Uni- versity of Regensburg and has led the Program Divi- sion at the INM since 2008. PD DR. INGRID M. WEISS GRUPPENBERICHTE / GROUP REPORTS // BIOGRENZFLÄCHEN / BIO INTERFACES
