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Jahresbericht 2013 | Annual Report 2013

10 Energie-Materialien / Energy materials Mission Research in the Junior Research Group Energy Ma- terials is focused on the synthesis, characterization, and application of nanomaterials for electrochemi- cal applications. Our activities center on the highly efficient storage of electrical energy in electroche- mical capacitors (supercapacitors) and water treat- ment using capacitive deionization (figure). Both applications are based on the electrical double-layer which forms at the interface between electrically charged materials and electrolytes with dissol- ved ionic species. Carbon nanomaterials are the most important electrode material and we utilize non-porous carbon nanoparticles (carbon onions, carbon black) and nanoporous carbon materials (activated carbons, carbon nanofibers) to obtain electrodes for electrochemical applications. In par- ticular, polymer- and carbide-derived carbons are explored as materials to enable a large array of complex forms (such as beads, fibers, or films) and to precisely tune the pore size distribution with sub-nanometer accuracy. Beyond electrostatic ion electrosorption, Faradaic reactions resulting from nanoscopically implemented metal oxides and po- lymers within the carbon electrode enable to sig- nificantly increase the energy density of electro- chemical capacitors. We focus on a comprehensive array of materials characterization techniques and in-situ methods to gain novel insights in electro- chemical processes. Our contributions extend from basic research, materials synthesis, and the refine- ment of testing procedures to industrial collabora- tion and technology development. zielsetzung Die Juniorforschungsgruppe Energie-Materialien erforscht und entwickelt Nanomaterialien für elektrochemische Anwendungen, wie beispielsweise zur elektrochemischen Energiespeicherung oder zur Wasseraufbereitung via ka- pazitiver Entionisierung. Auf der Materialseite liegt der Schwerpunkt auf hochporösen Kohlenstoffen, die als Pul- ver, Kugeln, Schäume oder Nanofasern hergestellt werden. Hieraus werden auf der Anwendungsseite vor allem Elek- troden für elektrische Doppelschichtkondensatoren ent- wickelt. Die gezielte, nanoskalige Implementierung von Metalloxiden und Polymeren ermöglicht es, hochleistungs- fähige Pseudokondensatoren herzustellen. Hierbei ist die Kombination von hoher Energie- und Leistungsdichte funk- tionaler Energiespeicher ein wichtiges Ziel der Gruppe. Be- sondereBedeutungnimmtdieCharakterisierungderelektro- chemischen Phänomene ein, die mit in-situ Methoden de- tailliert untersucht werden. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Volker Presser received his doctorate in mineralogy at the Eber- hard-Karls University, Tü- bingen in 2009. From 2010– 2012, he spent a research period at Drexel Univer- sity, Philadelphia, USA. Since 2012, he has led the Junior Research Group and since 2013, he has been ju- nior professor at Saarland University. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Volker Presser Gruppenberichte / Group Reports // Grenzflächenmaterialien / Interface Materials
